
Training that motivates agents and generates profits

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SAN FRANCISCO — Brokers should get to know their agents and their needs instead of constantly recruiting, said new-agent expert Alyssa Hellman at ICSF this week. “If you just stop and focus on who you have there, then the back door will stop spinning,” said Hellman, director of the Go School. The key to training and motivating should be about focusing on particular agents and caring about what is going on in their life, she added. “It allows you to connect; you feel that you are invested in their lives,” said Hellman, whose school runs its onboarding program for groups of new agents. “It can get lonely out there. As a group we find  that they support each other, and 90 percent are doing a deal in the first 90 days,” she said. “Each week they are taught by a different…


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