Housing Policy: Driving the Conversation

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CoreLogic and Office of the Chief Economist Off to Busy Start in 2017

Led by Senior Vice President and Chief Economist Dr. Frank Nothaft, the Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) at CoreLogic frequently delivers analysis, commentary and forecasting trends in global real estate, insurance and mortgage markets, through keynote speeches at sponsored events and moderated panels, as well as in blog posts and reports. 

With the pace of business and flood of information crossing our desks every day, I thought it would be of value to offer readers a second bite at the apple, providing links below to highlights and firsts from the OCE during the first quarter of this year.    

As the rental rate continues to climb – now at its highest point in fifty years – and rent-price growth fluctuates across the country, the industry is pressing for the capability to accurately assess the status of the rental market and predict where it may head. The CoreLogic Repeat Rent Index contains rent data on single-family properties throughout the United States and pairs that data with CoreLogic HPI to create rent tiers to measure rent growth amongst low-, middle-, and high-rent properties.

Dr. Nothaft CSPAN

Dr Nothaft CSPAN

Dr. Nothaft shared his 2017 Housing and Economic Outlook at this year’s International Builders Show presented by the National Association of Home Builders. He noted the effect of home-price growth and lessened mobility on homeowner trends.  The presentation can be viewed here.  

Dr. Nothaft also participated in a panel conversation on The Next Chapter in Affordable Homeownership, at the National Council of State Housing Agencies’ (NCSHA) HFA Institute Conference.  The presentation can be viewed here.

Sam Khater, CoreLogic Deputy Chief Economist, led a conference call conversation on the mortgage market hosted by Compass Point, a highly-respected research firm focused on the financial services sector.  Discussion included the peripheral effects of rising rates, the impact of recent loan limit increases, policy considerations relating to the mortgage interest deduction, and industry efforts to expand the credit box.  The presentation can be viewed here.

Dr. Nothaft led the panel discussion at the most recent CoreLogic-Urban Institute Sunset Seminar, focused on The Effect of Higher Interest Rates on the Housing and Mortgage Markets.  He predicts that 2017 will see a drop-off in single-family mortgage originations, an effect of the recent increase in mortgage rates; however, both FHA-to-conventional loan refinancing and cash-out refinancing are expected to rise.  The presentation can be viewed here.

Sam Khater spoke at the Federal Reserve Board of Atlanta’s 2017 Banking Outlook Conference, providing attendees with an update on today’s real estate market and the changing demand toward urban living.  Topics included higher home price inequality, higher demand for homes with less square-footage, and a shift in high credit risk applicants to the suburbs.  The presentation can be viewed here.

Dr. Nothaft hosted a conversation with Peter Navarro, director of the newly created White House National Trade Council, at this year’s National Association of Business Economists (NABE) annual Economic Policy Conference.  This event coincided with the release of NABE’s most recent Economic Policy Survey, a semi-annual look at how NABE members view important monetary and fiscal policy questions, which Dr. Nothaft helped to compile.

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