Malls Struggle From Demise of Borders

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… the the … borders bookstores has left … gaping holes … in the … real slim opted for shopping … all over the US we got Kris Hudson from Dallas … eyes that tells all about this kitty gaping holes in the wool landscape from this is pretty bad … I need more … time and were talk about here actually a big box or … otherwise known as our letters … of gold that ended … in hell maybe but the opener last really big retailers that are what we call category killers they try to compete … dominated recap Green compete on price … going into that you’re competing with the internet these days which you not when the week’s theme that fall out with a can of bull market … supporters and a lot of electronic market were Circuit City and … by doing that now … so what the format of big box shopping centers for the harbinger for the rest of retailers were you’re going to be … the early impact and probably the most severe impact of of online shopping so … a little bit of a vacant the issue in the format right now who will lead you to take a look at … the Borders store has closed its about a year ago … and look at how many of those who could refill them what rate and the upshot of it was … up about thirty votes torture may never be … the end goal to been repealed were built between three about thirty percent lower than reporters to pay … you use an example in your story of the Regency of PopCap a vacancy rate of thirty percent of its value to clients … aam to nine point three million … what’s pretty bad based on the fact that he had a twenty five million dollars mortgage on some of this isn’t … a paved regions in trouble with the problems … the prom with the big box vendors that that you’re only gonna have … to go the route so they’re less a ten minute to when you lose one minute … you could lose fifteen percent a year cash flow twenty pin your cap to wear them all yet bought two hundred three hundred to lose one that … you can survive but in the big box of the much bigger hit so … you end up with some of the old people what not maybe some foreclosures … up I think to survive the big box players are looking into several different … scenarios come to find a retailer will take the whole box anymore … they’re breaking them up … into smaller boxes ten thousand square feet or seem to be the sweet spot right now for a while users whether bringing in non retail users like it did have a … business … or what … so how was this affecting the shopping experience for people on the dial out I mean we don’t we don’t have many big box stores here in Manhattan but if we go out and on visiting … Ross of Ross on friends … is it isn’t a difference helping expenses is a bit like a ghost sounds a bit depressing … I think it will be a very different shopping experience that I think that the bok Center for Manhattan you get a little property without another form of Britain … we’ll get a regional mall … they’ve been doing a pretty good job of trying to adapt and bring in more sort of entertainment you to go on any news the things you cannot do online … with a power center though it’s all based on quick easy shopping with map collection … to what you’re not going to go to a power center for an entertainment you you’re not going to happen with the weather the mall or an outdoor camp known better … so if they can have a retail use them but it couldn’t be a little bit tough for … them to their their bacon feet might take a little bit longer to fill because the beaches are so large so … you will be some of the big box cutters up with a loophole that will linger for awhile it’s alive it’s alive said maybe Amazon’s site them over and use them as lack houses to see the out that many men that were not … making that happen to move on and on the tongue of every mall owner … and … retail property owner in the country have been for years will be for years …


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